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Nautilus Hyosung EMV Upgrade Kit available in Q3

By April 17, 2014April 7th, 2022No Comments1 min read

Nautilus Hyosung to add EMV kit for 1500 model

Nautilus Hyosung has announced that it will provide an EMV upgrade kit for its popular legacy model, the NH1500, for the U.S. market. According to a news release, the kit will become available in Q3.


“With over 40,000 NH1500s still active in the marketplace, we felt it was critical to provide EMV support for this model,” said Nautilus Hyosung retail ATM division head Chris Juetten. “With this additional EMV support for the NH1500, Nautilus Hyosung can support EMV capability for its entire family of retail ATMs, including the NH1800CE/SE, Halo and Halo S, NH2700, MX5000 and MX4000.”

The EMV upgrade kit will include an EMV card reader, new main board and the appropriate software patch. Nautilus Hyosung will provide specific details and pricing at a later date.

Source:  ATM Marketplace